Home to a very Sleep Deprived Bard


Webcomics are one of my favorite mediums for storytelling, and I wanna share the ones that inspired me to make my own! And some I just genuinely really like hee
(Comic banners and descriptions will be added from their home websites as available)

"It’s a world at the mercy of uncaring gods, and Phineas Kidd is a heretic with a chip on her shoulder and enough fury to outshine a supernova. Armed only with aggressive enthusiasm (and an explosive left hook), Phineas sets out to gather up a merry crew and travel to Kairos Crossing to catch the sun, an urban legend that has tempted countless dreamers to a bloody end." - Exerpt from Kidd Commander's About Page.

Power Nap

"In the future, no one sleeps anymore thanks to a wonderful pill. Unfortunately for Drew Spencer, stapler-wielding office drone, he's allergic to it. Struggling to keep up with a society that no longer dreams, Drew slowly starts to realize there are sinister things lurking under the surface of the new and shiny world" - From the Power Nap Cover.